MP PUMPS CHEMFLO End Suction 316SS STAINLESS STEEL Centrifugal pumps are designed specifically for chemical process, purity and corrosive applications. Offerings include:
Investment Cast 316SS Stainless Steel
ANSI Flanges or FNPT Connections
Rotatable Discharge (90 Degree Increments)
Enclosed and Semi-Open Impellers
Stainless Steel Shaft with High Grade Viton Mechanical Seal
Seal Flush/ Cooling Options
Close Coupled or Flex Coupled-Pedestal-Frame Mounted Drivers
MP PUMPS CHEMFLO End Suction 316SS STAINLESS STEEL Centrifugal pumps are designed specifically for chemical process, purity and corrosive applications. Offerings include:
Investment Cast 316SS Stainless Steel
ANSI Flanges or FNPT Connections
Rotatable Discharge (90 Degree Increments)
Enclosed and Semi-Open Impellers
Stainless Steel Shaft with High Grade Viton Mechanical Seal
Seal Flush/ Cooling Options
Close Coupled or Flex Coupled-Pedestal-Frame Mounted Drivers
AC or DC Electric Motors
TEFC, Wash Down Duty, IEEE841, Explosion Proof or ODP Enclosure